New Show Pup Mt.Tahoma !!
Tuesday, December 4, 2018 10:15 AM
'Zandria Honeytree Mt.Tahoma O’Tercan' now lives with us as our forever show collie. Owned by Debra Amszi , Shawn Amszi, and Alexandra Erb.I got in the car and drove all the way to Washington State by myself because Shawn had to work. There is a lot of things happening there with Collies, Friends, Dog Shows, and a special litter I have great interest in that was from my lines too. The litter is by Harry (Ch.CountryviewInHighRegard) x Winnie( bred by Candace Hunter and Alexandria Erb. I stayed a week with the knowlegable Candace Hunter and spent a lot of time with more good people Jennifer Weatherly and Alexandra Erb. Tahoma is what I think is the top choice in a very nice litter. He rode nice in the car all the way back home to Texas. All is well and exciting.