Honeytree Collies Of Texas
by Shawn & Debra Amszi in Hillsboro TX
Van-M Wrapsody Of Honeytree
by Van-M Peter Parker and Van-M Maestro's Cadence
WRAPSODY IS THE DAM OF KEYNOTE ,SAMSON, and the granddam of our Master
tri factored but not tricolored
non white factored
Collie Grey Syndrome clear non carrier NC

Wrapsody is co owned with Jeanine E. of Texas
I'm in love with this sable and white female. Dam of our loved famous Keynote and granddam of our perfect famous Master, and Ziggy
Wrapsody is a sable and white female , tri factored, non white factored, calm personality,arched toes,head depth and side view are angled slightly,eyes are mostly properly angled from front and can appear large sometimes, ears are easy tipped, strong bone, arched toes,full thin collar , tight lipped straight mouth, proper tail set and lenth.